just noticed that i had 911 emails unread,
whats the date....?
I wonder did they have camera phones in the cock pit of the plane?
see time trumpet
Have been working all the time, (apart from today) and am going to be working with this theatre company tomorrow, as my mate Barret does video for them and will be setting that up for them 3 screen projections and cueing up video for them in the performance, which is good , getting paid for it as well. : ) more like it, its in
Loughbrough, also have been asked to do visuals for Krazy eyez killah, (sorry
Ghostface killah) at rock city , next month, but they only want to pay £200 havn't said no, but thats not that much $ for about 6 hours work less set up time.
we have also been asked to play with a brass band in at this Digital arts festival thing. in oct as well. with joe and george.
will be getting my own flat soon, (its a bit small) but its better than this sofa at Emily's house that i slept on last night, as am sleeping at work, in chris's old room, so its get up work, go to bed, get up work, ... etc etc.. had to get out, just to write emails.